I have a client who is breastfeeding a 2 mo old, and has been pumping some
milk for her 6 yo who has CP and is on a feeding tube (G tube).   He has
been getting some brmilk ever since the baby's birth, whenever the mom has
pumped and the baby doesn't need it all.  She just pours it down the G
tube.   My question is:   What research is there to validate her efforts
now to use an electric pump and give him "as much as she can pump"  in
addition to giving him his "formula" which is Pediacare/Pediasure or some
such concoction?    Rambling question, but you get the idea.

A positive note:   Just saw a mom who is still breastfeeding at 7 months.
 She bottle fed in the hospital, but when she got home she decided to
breastfeed.   So she put him to breast, and stopped the bottles.  The way
she tells it, it was as simple as that!   Anyway, Kyle is a plump, active
guy who at 7 months will finally take a bottle from his mom, who incidently
went to work at 1 month PP, and provided hand pumped breastmilk for his
sitter to give him in her absence.    I want to applaude everytime she
walks in to get her WIC vouchers.

Looking forward to some comments/suggestions for the above question.
 Michelle Scott,RD,MA,IBCLC  in  springy NH