Hi all,
This is a rant to lower my blood pressure, feel free to skip it if you
3 weeks ago I saw a mother as she was being discharged from hospital
having had a breast abscess drained - this seems to be my year for
breast abscesses!
We discussed the stupid advice she had been given in hospital about
feeding and she took my phone number. Last week she phoned - breast was
getting painful again and temperature had gone up. Suggested she see her
G.P again.
She phoned today. Had been sent back to the clinic who had drained the
abscess, by this time she was also getting fleeting, shooting pains in
the good breast.
She was told that because she had breastfed her previous child for a
long time - 9 months - and this present child was 2 months old, the
pains were caused by wear and tear of the breasts and she should wean.
Was given tablets to dry up the milk!
For heavens sake! All this Mum wants to do is feed without pain, is this
asking too much? Nobody at the clinic actually asked her if she was
happy to wean, and nobody saw her tears as she left.
We are working on getting it right for her. Sometimes I get so angry
with my fellow health professionals!
Rant over.
Thanks for listening,

Carolyn Westcott RN IBCLC