I would appreciate the collective's feedback here.

  Mom was fuzzy on some information, so it is lacking.  Received a call
from mom with a 4 month old baby.  Baby was 8lbs. 13oz at birth.  Lowest
weight not known, but mom said baby lost more weight after leaving
hospital.  Baby now weighs 10lbs. 8oz.  No weight gain or loss in two
months.  Head circumference and height are fine.  Baby is alert and
developmentally on schedule.  Doctor told mom baby needs to be
supplemented with abm 3 times per day after nursing.  Mom feels her
supply is low and supplementing is not helping.  Baby nurses every 3
hours.  No night nursing.  Pacifier use.  Baby now will only latch on for
a minute or two each side then pull off upset.  Prior to this baby only
nursed about 7-8 minutes per side.  Mom never felt like she had an
overabundant supply of milk.

Mom says baby is "skinny", but both she and dad were not very big babies
either.  Doctor wants to see baby again on March 25th.

My suggestions: nurse frequently--at least every 2 hours.  Let baby nurse
as long as possible, switch nursing.   If possible bring baby to bed,
maybe this would stimulate night feedings.  Pump and give baby ebm.  Lots
of contact with baby, get rid of pacifier.  Also discussed fenugreek.
Talked about an SnS, but I am not sure if she'll have access to this
(military hospital, no private practice LC's here).

It sounds like her supply is low from our phone conversation, but what
about baby's growth.  Other than weight, he is doing fine.  He has not
lost any weight.  If baby does not gain by next visit, doctor wants to
run tests.


Gloria Thai LLLLeader Hawai'i

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