To all honey producers:
This subject has been touched upon before, but the impact on beekeepers
could be serious. Many might be driven out of the business.
The following was forwarded to me from Joe Rowland, honey producer in
upstate New York:
"An A.P.B. on the N.H.B. legislation pending in Congress-
The House Agriculture Committee is in the process of reviewing the proposed
expansion and reorganization of the National Honey Board (NHB). This is the
final opportunity for beekeepers to voice their opinions to Congress on this
extremely important issue which could prove pivotal to the future of the U.S.
beekeeping industry.  The February issue of the _American Bee Journal_
contains a more specific critique of  the proposed legislation entitled
"The 2 cent board", a beekeeper's assessment.
If enacted, honey producers will lose control of the NHB, commercial
beekeepers will see their Honey Board "Income Tax" soar, and the stage will
be set for increased regulation and bureaucracy industry-wide. It is likely
that a decision will be reached by the Committee before the end of March
1998. Please contact the following key members of the House Agricultural
Committee immediately and urge them to keep the Honey Board legislation
out of 'HB 2534', the Agricultural Research Bill.
                Robert Smith (Chairman) : Fax 202 225 5774
                Charles Stenholm
                Larry Combest
All at:         U.S. House of Representatives
                Agriculture Committee
                1301 LHOB
                Washington, D.C. 20515
                House of Representatives switchboard: 202-225-3121
Anyone willing to assist in the effort to block this bill should contact
fellow beekeepers and urge them to communicate their opposition immediately
to these key Committee members, Robert Smith in particular."