This is particularly directed to Sharie Atkins, who enquired under the
above topic.
 Several years ago I attended a health professsionals seminar, at which
a mother was asked to speak about her unusual experience. One of her
breasts appeared to fill up with milk but became very engorged and there
appeared to be a problem with the plumbing - the milk could not be got
out.(It was never determined whether the ducts were interrupted or
"blind", or whether there was some sort of blockage in all the ducts.  I
have seen this in a cow.)  Suffice it to say that the mother used
cabbage leaves for relief and dried up the problem side, continuing to
breastfeed on the other side.  Everything went well - the breasts, as
you know, function separately on an autocrine system once lactation is
   After the birth of the next baby, the same thing happened, and the
mother was happy to breastfeed successfully on one breast only.
  Now, here's the inspiring/amazing/heartening thing!  The third
pregnancy resulted in TWINS.  The same thing happened. The mother had to
dry up the side with the faulty plumbing - and she went on and breastfed
TWO babies from the ONE functioning breas.  This would have taken her
some time, and she had two other children.
  She had brought her twins, aged 8-10 months, with her to the meeting
and some of the women up the back were minding them. They were plump and
well rounded, and active and really beautiful, thriving, breastfed
   I always tell mothers this if they are concerned with one-sided
preference. They find it very encouraging, and sometimees they don't end
up feeding one-sided.  But if they do, they don't feel so bad about it.
   Warmly,  Virginia

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