I spend so darn much time reading this list, into wee hours of
the morning that I seldom take the time to comment. Well I was an oil
(vegie)user  on all my 150 colonies last year as well as a grease patty
user for many years. With all this posting of oil and experiments I think
I have a good idea of how I will proceed with my experiments this summer.
I have 3 or 4 yards that I believe will make good candidates, about 12
hives each with nearly identical environment and group separation
capability. I will start off with all strip treated colonies from
previous late fall. Incidently I don't put my strips in until real late,
almost wonder if I need them at all but don't have the courage to do
        The only trouble is I won't really be a part of the MO Gang. I
had such good results with my veg oil I want to  try some controlled
experiments with it. I am not fully in agreement with statements that
these things are foreign to the bee hive. Probably the only foreign
thing, at least with veg oil is the quantity. Oils are certainly bought
back to the hive with pollen and honey. Perhaps the bees would prosper
with some supplement? On occasion I have seen them standing around the
oil saturated napkin licking it. I haven't the slightest idea why, do
they digest it or take and spit it out? While inspecting drone pupa for
mites I have seen dead mites on them, very few to be sure, but then again
there are few mites to find. Have seen mites entombed in cells of honey,
did the bees drown the mites or put the nectar in on dead mites?
        I am currently of the opinion (unscientific) that MO and Veg oil
will give similar results and IF the bees like more oil in their diet
maybe Veg oil is better. I don't for a minute expect to come to much of a
conclusion on many of these questions. I do know that if my colonies
continue to remain robust and essentially mite free for a few years then
perhaps some of the other unanswered questions will get answered. I have
a laptop now to take to the yards, I'm looking for a good spreadsheet or
database program, anyone have one to share?
        Good luck to all you other experimenters.
Alden Marshall
B-Line Apiaries
Hudson, NH 03051
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