On Sat, 14 Feb 1998 06:55:34 -0600 "Excerpts from BEE-L"
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
>Reply-to:      Discussion of Bee Biology <[log in to unmask]>
>From:          Robert e butcher <[log in to unmask]>
>.. I believe if you use the
>comb your bees won't be so irritated, then you can use less smoke. I'm
>changing over to it also. several commercial companies are already
>producing foundation for themselves.
Calm bees on small cells and irritated bees on larger cells? Even if they
made them? Oh well this is a thread someone else is going to have to work
on. I only have 150 colonies and I can honestly say I use very little
smoke on any of them, I visit them every 20 days for drone frame sampling
and 'T' shirt, cutoffs and veil are uniform of the day.
If by chance a nasty hive develops I have an easier way to tame it than
change the cell size.
>Ed and Dee Lusby were published in Bee Culture(Jan.1998 vol.126 #1)
I am glad that bee culture had the courage to cover this story, it's easy
to print things that will likely be popular with the constuancy. I will
say, just about anything is possible but for one I have to have something
that makes a little sense to me before I can get stimulated  or warm up
to an idea. I'm still waiting on this one. But keep it coming.
>Mills for the 4.9 comb are being made by Tom Ind. in El Cajon, Cali.
>about $850.00 There are several mills out  there already in use.
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