I would like to invite your traveling beekeeper to stop in South Carolina
and visit Bee City.  Bee City is operated by Archie Biering and his wife
Diane.  It is a city made out of Beehives. Archie also has a wide variety
of wax products.  He has field days as an eduavtion program to teach
beekeeping.   It is located at the Canadys Exist on I-95  His Phone
number is 803-835-5912.
Ron Taylor
Geechee Honey Farm
On Sun, 15 Feb 1998 18:42:55 -0500 "Ralph W. Harrison"
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
>Hi All,
>A member of our beekeeping association will be travling through the
>Keys in the near future and would like to make conatct with a Keys
>Are there any Keys beekeepers on the Bee-L?
>Ralph Harrison
>Western CT Beekeepers Association
>Milford, CT USA
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