IMHO, trying to describe postpartum life with a baby is like trying to
describe an orgasm to someone who hasn't had one. Or like trying to
describe breathing underwater with SCUBA equipment to someone who's never
been in a bathtub, lake, river, etc.  Birth is a bridge to a new dimension,
a new way of life - and cannot be totally anticipated no matter how much
planning, explaining, videos, etc. happen beforehand.

"To those who understand, no explanation is necessary. To those who don't
understand, no explanation is possible." (Tom Peters, I think)

Raising a baby teaches you a new way of life, including patience, like
nothing else can. Think of your worst supervisors at work - I bet they were
mostly childless and over-40.  They just don't get it.

Linda J. Smith, BSE, FACCE, IBCLC
Bright Future Lactation Resource Centre
Dayton, OH USA