" ...comfrey listed - I cannot feel
comfortable with this plant or others that are now known to contain toxic
pryrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs). Toxic PAs cause cumulative veno-occlusive
liver disease... Consequently, the
Canadian government does not allow comfrey in foods."

I just came back from seeing a new mother with a two day old baby.  She
has a very sore nipple on the left breast.  The nipple is creased when
the baby comes off, there is a scab in the center and a bruised area on
the areola.  The baby seems to be sucking very strongly and clenching her
jaw somewhat.  We discussed positioning and using purified lanolin as a
dressing.  The mom told me that her midwife (non-medicated home birth)
suggested that she to put comfrey on her nipples to help them heal.
In view of the above I am very nervous about her continuing to do so.
I did share this
information with her but I would like to know if anyone has more specific
information about the dangers of topical comfrey.  There is nothing else in
the archives.
I could also use some ideas about getting the baby to unclench
her jaw.


Sarah Friend Barnett, LLLL, IBCLC
Bronx (New York City), NY
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