Hi everyone,
         Ijust thought I would put in my two cents.
Here in Tucson Arizona,there was a study done on smaller comb ; what
effects it had on the mites; both tracheal and varroa. by putting them on
smaller comb it eliminated
most of the mites, both kinds. they did the test without chemicals , and
it reduced the
mites,and also the foulbrood.
there are several big companies backing the move to use ten cells in 4.9
cm. comb.
One is the Arizona Rangeland honey . The Southern Arizona Beekeepers
Assoc. i that there are more who are changing over to the smaller comb.I
can get the test results if anyone wants them. I believe if you use the
smaller comb your bees won't be so irritated, then you can use less
smoke. I,m changing over to it also. several commercial companies are
already mass producing foundation for themselves.
Ed and Dee Lusby were published in Bee Culture(Jan.1998 vol.126 #1)
Mills for the 4.9 comb are being made by Tom Ind. in El Cajon, Cali. for
about $850.00
there are several mills out  there already in use.
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