I was raised in northern Florida and the health and hygiene people must
have missed us because both my older brother and sister got hook worm
from going barefoot (This was in the 60s).  Maybe it was because my Mom
was raised in upstate New York and didn't realize there was a problem.
 At the time we called it "creeping eruption" and I believe the
treatment was having the affected skin on the foot frozen somehow.
Evocative name, eh?
Jeanne Ward
IMA Consulting, Inc.
>I believe that the awareness of the hook-worm's life cycle and manner
of infestation post-dates dirt yards.  My father also used to run around
bare-foot until the (federal?) health and hygiene campaigns of the
'30s--from then on he was made to wear shoes.  My brothers and I were
also raised to always be shod (ostensibly because of hookworm) and to
this day I only take my shoes off for bath, bed, or the beach.   :)
>Marty Perdue
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