In message <[log in to unmask]>, Debbie Rotman <[log in to unmask]>
>Dear Colleagues:
>   We are working on an industrial site which began as a single structure
>n 1878.  Within a few years, a second building was constructed and the
>original was renovated into a home.  Over the next nine decades, other
>factory-related buildings were added as the business grew and
>changed   I am seeking references in the professional literature for other
>sites that have both industrial and residential components in close
>Thank you for your assistance.
>Debbie Rotman
>Ball State University
I'm afraid I can't find on my shelves, to give you the complete
reference _The Industrial Archaeology of the West Midlands_.  Here, a
typical family owned/operated factory site consists of a house on a
street front, with a double-gate entrance to a yard beside it.  In the
yard is a group of factory buildings.
I'm not suprised by a proximity between industrial buildings and
residential buildings, but by the re-use of the factory as a home.  How
substantial was this building: the factory buildings I call to mind are
either Blakean mills (now 'loft conversions') or much less well
constructed than the houses.  I can't imagine any one with the finances
to build a new factory, 100 years ago, thinking that the old factory
would make a good house for themselves (is that what you said - or was
it just a bothy (dorm) for manual labourers?
Best wishes,
Pat Reynolds
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   "It might look a bit messy now, but just you come back in 500 years time"
   (T. Pratchett)