     I recently procurred a donation of 9.5 liters of premie breastmilk for
the Mother's Milk Bank in San Jose, CA.  It was interesting that the director
Maria Teresa Asquith states that most of the breastmilk is used for older 4
and 5 year old children who were premature and had Necrotising Entercolitis
(NEC) while in the NICU, probably from receiving formula and not getting any
breastmilk.  They are all short gutted ( from resection of the dead gut) and
have poor villi growth with resultant failure to thrive and poor growth and
development.  From receiving just 40 cc per day of human milk ( and this is
previously frozen and pasturized) they started growing villi and thriving and
gaining weight.  This is similar to what happens in crohns disease and
ulcerative colitis the mucosa of the walls of the gut are damaged by the
immune reaction of autoimmune disease.  Perhaps just 40 cc of human milk per
day might help these patients with autoimmune disease of the gut like crohns
and ulcerative colitis.  There are many other antidotal uses that have been
hypothesized for breastmilk like in burn patients, HIV patients and renal
patients who need nutrition that is easy to assimilate and takes little energy
to digest.  Truely one of the only miracles that we will ever be offered up
from God except for conception and birth.  Anyhow, I am sure you could procur
these articles on the use of human milk for these patients by contacting the
Mother's Milk Bank or doing a literature search yourself.

                                                                 Cynthia S.
Marske DO