Andy are you a communist by any less than 3 paragraphs you
bashed 2 companies for trying to make a for the Urinary track
problems be careful the company way be based in Texas and sue you...
-----Original Message-----
From: Andy Nachbaur <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Friday, January 23, 1998 2:39 PM
Subject: Re: Save the Honey Bee
>At 08:07 PM 1/23/98 -0500, you wrote:
>>Just thought the rest of you might be interested on the "Save the Honey
>>Bee" campaign of General Mills.
>>Seems a small amount to the sales of least to me.
>> Ralph Johnston
>Hi Ralph & Bee Keeping Friends,
>Well if you had to help the OLd Drone eat all those HONEY O's or what ever
>they were called you would not bee saying that...<G>
>BTW. My cat that helped me out DIED,... I found out later that HONEY O's
>does nothing for a cats
>urinary system, and I am wondering what it did to my..own but so far no
>Anyway it is good to know that at least 20,000 box tops were returned to
>GM, and this in a very small way  has added to the one billion dollar
>profit the post office made last year, their largest ever, for which we are
>to be rewarded soon with a postage increase. As for the bee research I can
>without asking anyone at any university tell you that for certain the money
>has been spent and then some.
>Were any bees or beekeepers saved is another question. At least those
>beekeepers who saw through this phoney effort on the part of GM and did not
>participate and may have saved a lot of belie ache and postage.
>Should you go out an buy a box of cereal because money has been paid for
>bee research? If you can find it on sale and its not out dated, and you are
>not concerned about the urinary health of your cats or kids and it does not
>bother you that the honey in it was produced and then stolen from some off
>shore beekeeper and the box itself problematically is more healthful to eat
>I would still consider checking out POST's cereals at least they used to be
>up front about telling you eating it will make you very important or was
>that impotent.
>The truth is if you want honey on/in your food you are better off adding it
>yourself not only saying money in doing so but knowing for sure how much
>and what you added to your food is much safer then letting a money grubbing
>cereal manufactures do it for you that would in an instant substitute
>anything cheaper and sweet for honey no matter what's listed on the product
>label and that's why they don't tell you how much they put in each package
>and why so seldom is honey ahead of salt in the list of ingredients.
>Ingredients are listed according to the volume of each in depending* order,
>so it is written, so it must be...
>** (depending*) on who's watching)
>ttul, the OLd Drone
>... That the still murmur of the honey bee