Attaboy Aaron.  What a bunch of self-righteous dinks.
Jeff Hills ! @ ^^^ ** <> <>< <> {} )(*&^%$#@! ~~~~~
Aaron Morris wrote:
> Somebody hates somebody and lots of somebodies hate others who who don't
> use smileys and isn't there a list moderator to catch these posts in the
> first place!?!
> Well no there is no formal moderator.  However the list IS self
> moderated.  After all, didn't the first hate poster get called on his
> hate message (which most recognized as a joke) but COULD legitimately
> have been misconstrued as a REAL hate message by subscribers from a
> non-US culture, some of whom thankfully have the sensitivity to
> recogonize the possibility that hate doesn't always mean hate but
> sometimes means hate?
> Hopefully, eventually this list will mature to the point that when
> someone posts something not worthy of comment that we will refrain
> from wasting the bandwidth to do so!
> Aaron Morris - thinking this'll waste a lot more bandwidth!