I remember the 24 hour NPO.  Also baby's first feeds were Water to assess
suck, swallow.   I think that we were much more relaxed about when the
baby fed then and of course all ended up well in the end.  Sometimes we
just can't find the happy medium.   I still tell mothers not to worry if
the baby doesn't feed for 24 hours.  Some are very mucousy, some do sleep
24 hours and then wake up.  I encourage mothers to feed early, but not to
worry, it no medical indications, baby will feed later.  Usually I'm on
target.  The pedis and nurses where I work are getting a little better at
relaxing about this.  I think they are seeing that babies do eat
eventually.   Sometimes poking and prodding causes these babes to tune us
out.  Leave them alone and it will happen.  Tincture of time.
Darlene Breed, RN, IBCLC