Patricia Gima wrote:
<<<In a rare moment of boredom she read the ingredients on her deodorant and
had "sage" in it.  It was a relatively new bottle and use of it coincided
with her lessened milk supply. She has of course stopped using it and her
supply has returned to baby's needs.>>>

Could also be another ingredient.

A woman told me she was using deodorant that did more than taking away bad
smells; it actively reduced sweat production. She asked me the very smart
question if this could cause a decrease in milk production since some milk
ducts are under the armpit. I answered that it might be possible that it
affects the production of a few local milk ducts, but that if this would
happen, the other milk ducts would take over the milk production. I asked on
parent-l to personal experiences with this type of deodorant and a LLLL (who
is on LactNet too) responded that she had known a woman with recurrent
plugged ducts near the armpit, that disappeared after she stopped using this

So, in your case, it might be not the sage that caused the decrease in milk
production, but this ingredient that suppresses sweat production.

I don't know what's the name of this ingredient, though. Maybe others know.
Annelies Bon     
mother of Dirk 7yo, Tom 5yo, Pieter 21mo
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bf counsellor in training of the Dutch bf org "Borstvoeding Natuurlijk"