It makes sense to me that the owner/author of the company was saying "Please
do not assume" that you will get the breastfeeding help that you and your
baby may need.  She doesn't say that you *won't* get that help in the
hospital, she is suggesting that mothers find out more about their hospital
*and* contact LLL.  A reasonable approach, I think.
  BTW, I had my babies in the same area that she did, her company was based
in Trenton, NJ until it apparently was sold.  One of my old neighbors is a
child model in it :)  Have to say that I agree with her assessment of the
hospitals there.  My little girl is only four years old and when she was born
in the hospital, the bf help was really hit or miss.  No LC on staff (this
was Princeton Medical Center, in case you're wondering out there). It was the
ped who was the worst, though - one minute each breast on the first day, two
minutes the second day... you get the picture.  This is why baby #2 was born
in central NJ's only freestanding birthcenter (and a Breastfeeding Resource
Center) with a midwife.  I had more breastfeeding help there than I knew what
to do with!
Lisa Jones, LLLL in Wellington Florida