I am a feminist.  I am a mother.  I am a breastfeeding advocate.  I found
Janice Rocco's remarks on the new AAP recommendation that babies be breastfed
for at least a year puzzling.  Rather than condemning the AAP for simply
telling the truth: that breastfeeding matters to mothers and babies, and that
breastfeeding should be an important component of a baby's diet for at least
the first 12 months, it would have been much more productive if you had taken
the position espoused by the director of NOW's Connecticut chapter:  the
academy's recommendation should buttress support for legislation that would
require employers to accommodate women who are breast-feeding.

Mothers need accurate and complete information to make choices about their
health and the health of their babies.  Protecting them from this information
because it might "make them feel guilty" is patronizing, and does not advance
the cause of woman-friendly workplaces.

For more information about working and breastfeeding, take a look at my web
page, The Breastfeeding Advocacy Page,