Dear Jane (and others),

Have to agree with you on this one.  Not only do we have to worry about
mom's reaction to "SIN" but also that of relatives and friends to whom
she may pass this along.  I know that personally, my mother and I had
some difficult issues to work through when I opted for "natural"
childbirth (Bradley, no less) and then breastfeeding (not to mention the
family bed, delayed toilet training, etc.).  She felt very threatened by
my choices which were so different from the ones that she had made (she
didn't really have much in the way of choices at that time).  Gentle
talks, time and the sight of her thriving grandchildren finally took care
of most of that, but the introduction of the concept of "SIN" certainly
would not have helped at all.  I think that education and informed
consent can be accomplished without adding this type of thing to the mix.

Sharon Knorr
Lactation Consultant Services
Rochester, New York
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