Dear NOW,  I am a mother and a feminist and professional. I resent  your
statement regarding the American Academy of Pediatrics ploicy on
breastfeeding. The Academy is not making statements to "make american working
women feel guilty" but giving them a recomendation based on science. How
 women interpret this recommendation for themselves and their children is
their decision. If they feel guilty that is their reaction to their decision.
One can not force another to feel guilt from information  on what is
scientifically best for their babies.  I feel that  health care providers
have the responsibility to inform their patients on the risks of doing or not
doing an action or procedure.  Then the  patient can make the decision. I
would have expected from NOW the readiness to take this scientific
information and help women make changes in their work place to accomodate the
breastfeeding mother and  to encourage work places to be  supportive of
 breastfeeding mothers. Women and children have always suffered in our
society. Finally an organization makes a stand which is good not only for
children but for the health of the mother and NOW criticizes them.
Unbelievable. Camille Edmunds MA

PS My membership renewal for NOW is on my desk and it will remain there until
there is a retraction or clarification on this issue.