How to get WIC participants to come to bf classes?  Tie it to voucher
pickups!  This is what we did in our clinic for many years.  We provided
a group education for our "secondary nutrition education contact" when
women came to get their vouchers.  Classes were fairly short (about 30
min), participants got their vouchers at the end.  When our clinic was
large (about 3000 participants) we did this to accomodate everyone on a
2-month schedule.  When we decreased our clinic size (by opening other
clinics) and increased pickups to every 3 months, our class sizes and
attendance began to decline.  Also, some women would just not come
because they didn't like group situations (they could always get
individual counseling, but we tried to steer them to the class).

During pregnancy, we offered two classes, "Infant Feeding Choices" and
"Breastfeeding Basics".  We tried to get all pregnant participants to
come to the first class (where we touted the benefits of breastfeeding)
and then those who were interested in bf, we scheduled their next
voucher pickup for a class day.  We offered the classes only once/week
(sometimes only twice a month).

Good luck!

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