Treatment for acid reflux or GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) can
include  change in lifestyle, medication  or both.  Neither requires
discontinuation of breast feeding.

I'd recommend:

1) avoiding all aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDS),citrus juices, coffee, alcohol, vit C, iron pills, anti oxidants,
and avoid meals within three hours of sleep.

2)If dietary/lifestyle adjustment alone doesn't help I'd add famotidine
(Pepcid) 20 mgs twice a day (it has the lowest milk:plasma ratio of any of
the "H-2 Blockers").  This medicine suppresses acid production to decreases
symptoms of reflux. I've used this without problem in both pregnant and
breast feeding moms.

3) If dietary change and pepcid doesn't help, my next step would be the
addition of propulsid 10mgs 4 times a day (1/2 hour before meals and before
sleep).  This medicine tightens the barrier between the acid producing
stomach and acid sensitive esophagus.  It's levels in breast milk are fairly
low and it's been used in infants with reflux and vomiting and so is safe for

Hope this helps!

Peter Salomon, MD, FACG
Board Cerified Gastroenterologist
Boca Raton, Fl