Hi all,

Fourteen years ago I donated my breastmilk for Lacey.    There was some
news coverage about this very unique four year old whose body could only
tolerate breastmilk.  It made me feel good because I could help.  I'm
sure there are 1000's of women out there who would be willing and able to
donate.  Someone posted that milk banks in this country have  a very low
supply-this could be easily remedied by the media.  The list of supplies
that have been donated to this family is astounding-If only there was a
way to add breastmilk to the list.

I know if  I were this mother I  would find a way to breastfeed and
provide breastmilk for my babies.  One big advantage mom has over all the
caretakers that will be involved, is that she will be able to feed two at
the same time, and  feed herself at the same time!

My best to this family,
