
Healthy People 2010 Objectives
Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
200 Independence Ave, SW
Washington DC 20201

HP 2010:

I understand that objectives are currently being formulated for the year
2010.  The Maternal-Infant Health objectives should very prominently
include breastfeeding promotion, support, and education.  A high
breastfeeding initiation rate, with nursing for 2 yrs and beyond (as the
World Health Organization recommends), should make a tremendous
difference in the health of our children.  To this end, a percent
continuation rate at 12 months should be formulated.

Breastfed babies receive optimum nutrition and experience less morbidity
and mortality.  The evidence is very compelling here.  Unfortunately, the
2000 objectives have not been met, so much more work is needed.

At the recent American Academy of Pediatrics convention here in New
Orleans, doctors were informed that breastfeeding is good for mothers as
well (helps prevent osteoporosis and reproductive cancers).  Mothers
breastfeeding optimally experience amenorrhea and better child spacing
(fewer pregnancies).  Breastfeeding is easier than artificial feeding,
much less costly and produces little or no waste.

Breastfeeding is clearly recognized as the optimal method of infant
feeding and should be an integral part in the promotion of health in the
U.S. as it is in the global health arena.  Lactation consultants are
health care professionals that provide breastfeeding support and
services, and are skilled in the assessment and management of
breastfeeding. Their unique contribution should be recognized as well.

Laurie Wheeler, RNC, MN, IBCLC