For those on the List who may have an interest:
Please excuse this clutter of your mailbox if you are new
to the list, or, had no interest in the case at the time (Spring 97)
I recently received a letter from Terry & Gary. Their summer has gone
well. Hives on the property were not as productive due to lack of
Hives in outlying yards did much better.
They received a school bus full of older hives and frames as a gift from
a commercial beekeeper in this area. Some were used this season..others
will be rehabbed this winter & put to use in the spring.
They turned their milk house (if you recall they are former dairy
farmers) into
a "bee tight honey house" and it is working out well.
As this is written, they are moving hives south once again to South
for the winter. Only this year they are using a truck with a trailer and
the fuel cost to be much less than last year.
So, it would appear that they have been able to hang in there and will
make it okay !
 [log in to unmask] - Scituate,MA,USA
 The Beehive- Educational Honey Bee Site