dear mira,

i am pleased to have a chance to do something i should have done sooner,
which is to mention that i read the WABA activity sheet 3 - transforming
health colleagues into breastfeeding advocates - available from the waba
website <A HREF="">WABA Bookmark</A
>  for all you stalwart aol people, and i seem to recall links from various
other bf websites.

this article, by Dr. Raj K. Anand, continues to inspire me whenever i despair
of convincing hcps of the validity of "our cause." i hope dr. anand is
reading lactnet and is kind enough to accept my humble gratitude and thanks,
because this article is terrific! the first time i read this, i cried.

in the interests of space i won't even begin to summarize here, but i will
add that this article discusses both specific ways to effect change, and an
inspiring overview. and it is beautifully written, beginning with a reminder
to always respect those with whom we differ.

so, mira, begin there and bear with all the differing views on lactnet, and
then there is always the approach of my four year old daughter, who obviously
snuck out and took a course in assertiveness training - just repeat yourself
over and over and over . . . .

carol b.