I have a client with a 5 month old baby for whom she has been pumping and bottle feeding since age one month.  This method of feeding is "more comfortable emotionally" for this Mom vs. actual breastfeeding. (She was definitely planning to formula feed before she delivered, so this is progress ;-)   Mom is 28 years old, 2nd baby, "history (in her family) of violent behavior".  She was started on Paxil 40 mg for "anger/violent verbal outbursts"and weight loss (?!?!), and has had severe migraines for many months, made worse by the Paxil (but the Paxil is helping with her anger/post-partum depression issues per her report).  
My main question is what medications might be appropriate for treating the migraines???  I also think some therapy might be in order as there are many complex issues occurring all at once. 
TIA for whatever assistance you can provide. I will also search the archives.
Ann Marie Trebon, RN, BSN
Peninsula Lactation Services
Sequim, WA