>>I've seen mothers who were fully intending to bottle-feed suddenly decide
to try breastfeeding some time in the first few days because... >>

I stand corrected!   I teach CB classes and find that  a lady "on the fence"
concerning breastfeeding might be nudged over to "my" side, but those women
 I have encountered who are adament about choosing the bottle are never going
to BF successfully (if at all).
     Perhaps the difference is childbirth education, where the overwhelming
benefits of BF are discussed beforehand gets the moms more committed in their
choices?  Or it just gets moms to make an informed choice rather than one
based upon emotion?
     I also find that a mom who is "persuaded" to BF often finds any excuse
to quit within the first two weeks.  One mom who thought breastfeeding was
"gross" at the beginning of her pregancy changed her mind and initiated
breastfeeding.  She encountered one, minor, easily solvable difficulty and
quit within the first 8 days postpartum because "breastfeeding doesn't fit my
lifestyle" - go figure......
