I have been unable toeat any commercial type of honey or sugar due to a type
of ulcer operation I had years ago. I start to tremble, feel very weak and
light headed, and very tired. Just recently my son came into some honey from
one of his students that was from what we gather as pure. It was suppose to
be only heated slightly to help removing the honey. Took two pieces of wheat
toast and loaded the both with all the honey they would hold. I did this four
differdays with out any effect at all. Went to the store and bought some pure
honey that was unfilterd or heated, the results were the same as before. I'm
just getting into this so it will take me a little time to do some
experimenting with the to get some measured material. Forgot to mention very
rapid pulse when I eat an excessive amount of sugar. Doesn't happen with this
particular type of honey as far as I can see. If you are interested I will
keep you informed on the testing and explaine the operation proceedure. If
anyone doesn't think this is important just ask my family, it's a real pain
Thanks for your info on the subject, it was very helpful