Mark Rees et al. excavated an Ordinary dating from 1743 to 1754 near
Farmville Virginia in 1992 for Garrow and Assoc.  A three holer privy
was excavated and contained numerous artifacts including straight pins,
bone-handled table knifes, a gaming piece and even prehistoric
PP/Ks--whatever might have fallen out of someones' pockets, as well as
several delft  and white salt-glazed ceramics.  Preservation was
excellent and offered a unique 10 year glimpse into a "pre-Georgian"
rural piedmont life ways.
On another note, I recall a discussion a year or so ago on this topic:  An
older gentleman from Alabama was interviewed regarding the
introduction of modern plumbing to his home and was questioned as to
why he continued to use the outhouse rather than the newly installed
fixtures.  He replied that he "just couldn't bring himself to eat and shit in
the same house".... somehow that shows some enlightenment and a
perspective on at least one persons' attitude.
For more info. on the 18th-century privy reply back to this e-mail.