Dear Ann,
I do hope your committee plans to includ a "pumping/parents/breastfeeding
room".  Ours has a small counter area with a sink so the mother can wash her
hands and her pump parts, cabinets above and below where we keep our
educational materials, pump kits and supplies, 2 of the large piston pumps on
rolling "trolly" stands, chairs, (recliners would be better as I have seen in
other hospitals) and a curtain to pull to divide the room into 2.  That is
where moms can go to pump when visiting their preemie, or to breastfeed.  The
upright freezer is just outside the door with the baskets for each mom to put
her milk.  Another cabinet beside the freezer holds the sterile containers,
labels, and paper bags for the moms to take when they need them to store
their milk.  The room is right across from the nurses station and 2 steps
away from the babies.
Jane Bradshaw RN, BSN, IBCLC
Lynchburg, VA

Date:    Tue, 28 Oct 1997 19:14:38 -0500
From:    "Ann M. Calandro" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Planning a New NICU

I am on a planning committee for designing our new NICU, due to be built
next year.  I would appreciate tips from those who work in NICUs on how to
make them the most baby friendly and mother friendly.  What can we design
into the unit to make the setting best for nursing moms?  I would
appreciate any and all suggestions.

Ann Calandro,RNC, IBCLC
Piedmont Medical Center
Rock Hill, SC