Dear lactnetters,
    First of all congratulations to all the new IBCLCs. - was the longest
three months of my life when it was me...
     Second, I got a call from a mom desperate for some information. She has
a 6 day old baby. Mom has Bartter's syndrome, which her endocrinlologist
treats with supplements of :
K-dur, a potassium suppl. 200 milliequivalents/day
magnesium 120 milliequivalents/day
Her colstrum was expressed and tested and  levels measured. She did not know
the levels, Mds sadi they did not know safe levels, and to err on the side of
caution, baby must be totally artificially-fed. Of note , is that mom has
been on these supplements for 14 years, including during the entire
pregnancy. Baby's levels were tested after birth and found to be normal.
No info in Hale, Lawrence says that "the concentrations of electrolytes
(sodium, potassium, and chloride) in milk is determined by an electrical
potential gradient in the sectretory cell rather by maternal nutritional
status" . Does that mean that supplementation would not increase milk levels?
Also says that" there is no immediate influence of maternal sodium or
potassium intake, either high or low, on postprandial milk sodium or
potassium concentrations. Dietary potassium may influence milk potassium more
significantly." Do those two statements make sense? They seem to say the
opposite to me. On magnesium..." magnesium...levels in milk are not affected
by dietary administration of these elements."
This mother was told no BF ever , drank sage tea - 2 cups- and has not pumped
for past several days. She would love to bring in a supply for her babe if
she can get info to share with her endo, and ped.. This mom is waiting for
your expertise as I type this.  Thank you for any input you can give. My
tremendous appreciation, ( and I am NOMAIL so please post to me privately as
well as the list,) Judy Fram, Brooklyn, NY ~ [log in to unmask]