I am working on refuting some beliefs that have been popping up lately.
If someone has applicable references that I can use, either studies or
text book explanations, please email me. I appreciate all the help I can
get to put together the best refutations possible on some of these

1) Hunger in a baby is triggered by a drop in blood glucose, and not by
stomach emptying; therefore breastfed babies do not need to eat every 2
hours, but can and should go longer like their formula fed counterparts.

2) Babies who don't sleep through the night early on may develope
learning problems because the higher brain is developing during that
time, and needs plenty of unbroken sleep.

3) Sucking beyond nutritional needs has no physical or emotional benefit
and does not enhance bonding.

4) Nursing for comfort teaches a baby that food is the answer to his
problems and contributes to eating disorders and obesity later in life.

5) Demand feeding does not enhance maternal bonding behavior.

6) Nursing on demand has a negative impact on the husband/wife

Thank you--
Lisa Marasco, BA, IBCLC