Lactnuts and mediawatchers:
Re bottles being sold by Tupperware.  Another LC told me of this a while
ago and suggested I might want to write a letter.  This is my humble
opinion, but too many letters bombarding them can just turn them against
the cause (breastfeeding) and label us as fanatics.  There are so many
articles and shows that actually give misinformation on breastfeeding,
and that is where I like to concentrate my efforts. However....if I were
a Tupperware user as was stated by someone and I was going to order but
then thought better of it, I would say in a letter (as briefly as
possible) that I could not continue to purchase items from a co. that
violates the WHO code by marketing feeding bottles. Give a brief history
of Code etc. This will begin their education - going gently though is the
way to go, IMHO.

The best fed babies are breastfed babies!

Laurie Wheeler, RNC, MN, IBCLC
Louisiana Breastfeeding MediaWatch
Violet Louisiana USA