
For information on the history of infant feeding in the US, some resources
you could look at include:

Apple R.D., "How Shall I Feed My Baby? Infant Feeding in the United States,
1870-1940." PhD diss., University of Wisconsin - Madison, 1981.

Apple RD. Mothers and Medicine: A Social History of Infant Feeding.
Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 1987.

Apple RD. The Medicalization of Infant Feeding in the United States and New
Zealand: Two Countries, One Experience.  Journal of Human Lactation 1994;

Baumslag N. and D. Michels. Milk, Money and Madness: The Culture and
Politics of Breastfeeding. Westport, CN: Bergin & Garvey, 1995.

Palmer G. The Politics of Breastfeeding. 2nd ed. London: Pandora, 1993.

Anne Altshuler, RN, MS, IBCLC and LLL Leader in Madison, WI
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