Pat Bull, in your 10-10-97 message concerning abuse and misuse of
breastfeeding products, you say, "To use a pump with any sore nipple is
ridiculous."  You then explain that, if it is VERY sore, then it is OK
because it "will help to heal her nipple up faster."  These two statements
seem contradictory to me.  Maybe I've missed something...

Concerning nipple shields, I must respectfully disagree with you, Pat.  You
say, "Nipple shields can only make sore nipples worse, especially if it is
undiagnosed yeast.  Please try to use BF products appropriately."  You
mentioned a situation (sore nipples from biting) where you would use a nipple
shield, which again seems contradictory to me.  (Am I just misunderstanding
what you are saying?)

In my experience, nipple shields have NEVER made a mother's nipples worse in
any situation where I have used them--and I have used them successfully with
many many mothers in different situations for 12 years (since the
introduction of the silicone shield.)  If the mother is given information and
help to correct the problem, whether it results from bad positioning of the
baby at breast, improper position of the baby's tongue, poor latch-on,
biting, yeast, or whatever, then the nipple shield can help a mother in pain
to keep going with breastfeeding while giving the nipple a chance to heal.
 Certainly, if it is a situation of undiagnosed yeast, then a nipple shield
will not help the situation, but the very fact that the nipples aren't
getting better should indicate to any educated LC that the problem has not
been correctly diagnosed and/or treated.
Cher Sealy, RN, BSN, IBCLC