<< What on earth is someone doing sending a nursing, or non nursing, mother
 into this stuff for anyway?  Surely someone else could do it, no?

 Jack Newman, MD, FRCPC >>

I couldn't resist responding to this one. This is where I think Karen Pryor
is right in her breastfeeding book. Our true fulfillment as women is in
mothering. This woman has to go into the gas chamber to train with this stuff
because women have fought for the right to be in combat in the military. I
for one, have no doubt whatsoever that a woman can handle anything--hey, we
make it through child birth, right?! The issue for me, is that I don't think
a woman should be in combat or dealing with this stuff. Sorry, to the
feminists reading this post---I just think that breastfeeding her baby is
more important. She shouldn't have to do both to be accepted.