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I am part of the National Breastfeeding MediaWatch Campaign.  We feel it
is very important that breastfeeding be seen as the normal and optimal
way to feed babies.  I watch ER regularly and it is a fabulous show!  I
would like to thank you for having Carla breastfeed her and Peter's
premature baby.  You could even have them practice kangaroo care, just
catching on in many NICUs, in which the parents cuddle their premie skin
to skin during their visits.  Peter really needs to try this!

Breastfeeding is extremely important for premature babies and offers
important protection from many illnesses, including NEC.  IQ advantages
have also been reported.  Breastfeeding is one of the most effective and
economical ways to promote good health.  The American Academy of
Pediatrics, the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the World
Health Organization, UNICEF, WIC, the US Dept of Health and Human
Services and many other organizations all actively promote breastfeeding
as the best method of infant feeding. Your show is very popular and seen
by many.  We could really use your help promoting the Healthy People 2000
objectives, which include promoting child health through increasing
breastfeeding rates.

Laurie Wheeler, RNC, MN, IBCLC
Certified NICU Nurse
Louisiana Breastfeeding MediaWatch Coordinator
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Note: The Louisiana Breastfeeding MediaWatch Campaign is part of the
National Breastfeeding MediaWatch Campaign, sponsored by the Texas Dept
of Health, an ongoing project of the Bureau of Clinical and Nutrition
Services.  For more information, contact Ms. Laurie Coker, Breastfeeding
Promotion Specialist, at (512) 406-0744.