Computer Software Solutions Ltd wrote:
> Hi All
> Another question from a new beekeeper
> The book says, that when you lift the crown board, that you should check
> that the queen is not on the underside of it.
> It strikes me, that if you always put a queen excluder over the brood
> chamber even before you put on any supers. that this possibility would be
> eliminated, so it is one less thing for a new beekeeper (who like myself
> would not be able to identify the queen in the melee of bees anyway), to
> have to contend with.
> I am aware that a very small queen can possibily get through the excluder,
> but to an amateur, who would have difficulty in identifying any sized queen,
> this would hardly be of significance.
> What do our experienced people think?
... it's so simple, if all of your Queens have a collored number on it,
you will find them in a few minutes. So I do. sig. Maurice from Belgium