There are some differences between ibuprofen and relafen which may cause some
moms to prefer relafen.  One reason is that relafen is a base, rather than an
acid, and may cause less stomach upset in some people.  I, for one, found
that acid based NSAIDs hurt my tummy, but in 5 years of taking the maximum
recommended dose, I have no ulcers or upset with Relafen.  Also, some new
research is showing that relafen, and some new NSAIDs not yet available,
 reduce inflammation a little differently---that it works better in Stills'
disease, Lupus, and I don't know what else, because of the specific
prostaglandins it inhibits.  This per my rheumotologist, who is just as
excited about all this as we are about breastfeeding!
    For what it's worth, I took Relafen twice daily while nursing my
youngest, and she's healthy, totally adorable and now 5, but of course,
that's purely anecdotal :-)!!!

-Debi Page Ferrarello, RN, IBCLC
Abington, PA

-Debi Page Ferrarello, RN, IBCLC