My notes from this summer's LLLI Conference in DC from Dr. Cheston
Berlin's session, "Drugs and Chemicals in Human Milk" say that Seldane
has been removed from the market b/c of cardiac complications from its
use.  2 metabolites, Allegra and Claritan are still available.  In 1995,
the first antihistamine/human milk study was done using Allegra and found
200 ng/L at peak concentration--which is likely not measurable.  Dr.
Cheston opined that both Allegra and Claritan are safe for bf moms.

I am sorry I do not have a reference, nor did I see one in the
bibliography in the syllabus that fits.  This information was sort of an
aside during his presentation; if he gave a reference I missed it.

Karen Zeretzke, MEd, IBCLC
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
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