In a message dated 97-09-22 11:34:13 EDT, [log in to unmask] writes:

 Thank you for contacting me, but unfortunately, 20/20 has decided
 against doing the extended breastfeeding story for a number of reasons.
 At any rate, I appreciate your willingness to help.

 Barbara Baylor

Oh well!
Debi Ferrarello, RN, IBCLC, MOM
Abington, PA

Forwarded message:
From:   [log in to unmask] (Baylor        ,Barbara    MS)
To:     [log in to unmask]
Date: 97-09-22 11:34:13 EDT

Thank you for contacting me, but unfortunately, 20/20 has decided
against doing the extended breastfeeding story for a number of reasons.
At any rate, I appreciate your willingness to help.

Barbara Baylor

> ----------
> From:         [log in to unmask][SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent:         Saturday, September 20, 1997 5:23 PM
> To:   [log in to unmask]
> Subject:      Re: 20/20 show on extended nursing
>  I have heard "through the grapevine" that you are looking for mothers
> who
> nursed their babies for an extended period of time.  i'm not sure what
> you
>  consider "extended".  My third child nursed until she was four plus,
> and
> still gets wistful as she recalls her time at the breast.  She's now
> almost
> six, and I asked her if she still remembers nursing.  Her reply was,
> "Well,
> sort of....I remember how warm and soft it was and how sweet the milk
> was".
>  My other two weaned "early at two to two and a half.  None of them
> could be
> considered  "clingy", by any stretch of the imagination.
> While we in the US may consider four to be "extended", worldwide, it
> is not.
>      Anyway, I'd be happy to talk with you on or off camera, and my
> wistful
> six year old probably would, too!
>      Sincerely,
>      Debi Page Ferrarello
>      Abington, PA