On September 11, 1997, Richard L. Gaumond <[log in to unmask]> asked about
breastfeeding policies for moms who are recovered drug users. Here's the
information I sent him.  More recently, Annelies in the Netherlands asked for
resources, too, so I'm sending the info to the list.

Ira Chasnof, MD, at NAPARE, (800) 638-BABY, has developed a protocol for
breastfeeding for women with a history of drug abuse.  It is strict but looks
very reasonable to me (a lactation consultant).  Basically it calls for the
mom to be treated during the pregnancy (if she's not already off the drugs)
and to have "clean" urine at birth and afterwards.  If she meets these
criteria, she's encouraged to breastfeed.

I don't recall what "NAPARE" stands for but it's something to do with
parenting issues for people with drug histories.

"800" numbers won't work outside the US, but here's NAPARE's address: 200 N
Michigan Avenue, Suite 300, Chicago, IL  60601-3821.  (If this address looks
familiar, that's because NAPARE is housed at the same place that ILCA used
for management until we changed to the present management firm.)

Thanks to all who stand up for women who are battling the extra challenges of
trying to be good moms in an unsupportive and judgemental environment.
 Remembering the powerful effect that being a lactating mom had on my
psychosocial and spiritual development as a woman and a human, I sure would
hate to see any woman denied the same opportunity for personal growth.

Chris Mulford, LC at WIC in New Jersey, and breastfeeding advocate wherever I