Which of the following spacings would allow more honey in the super
    (A)--Frames spaced loosely (eight or nine frames per super).  Bees
extend comb past frame edges allowing  uncapping knives to open each
    (B)--Supers completely filled with frames (ten frames per super).
Uncapping is difficult for knives but uncapping forks may be used.
Also, if after ten frame spacing is used and extracting is done with a
fork, will bees keep the cell depth the same if you switch to a nine
frame spacing?  Since to capping fork doesn't slice off the end of the
cell (like a knife does) will the bees keep then at that depth, or will
they then build them on out?   Just Wondering!---I'm sure the honey
industry hinges on this question.:-)
Brett D. Bannon
Folsom, NM  USA
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