I am nowhere near caught up on my reading of Lactnet, but had to respond
to the thread on cat scans and breastfeeding.  Jack Newman's post
brought tears to my eyes.  Less than a month ago I had a cat scan of my
liver and, in my emotional turmoil, forgot to ask if the drink and
contrast given were safe for breastfeeding.  It wasn't til I got home
that I thought to ask and of course it was the weekend.  I didn't get to
check with the doc's office until Monday morning.  They said that 3 days
was long enough to be safe.  Luckily, my son is 3 1/2 years old and did
not suffer nutritionally from the lapse, but my emotional state would
have been much better over the weekend had I known what Dr. Jack said
about the miminal risk of the contrast.

Lisa Schulz-Sunkler
Nursing Moms counselor, Maryland