Hi All !!!

I thought that I would send this little article to everyone on this
subject. The article itself deals more with what happens to the baby but
I think it is easy to see how the increased use of epidurals plays a part
in the high number of yeast/thrush cases.


>New Research on Epidurals

If you're on the fence about choosing an epidural or not, consider
the results of a new study published in Pediatric News: It found an
epidural during labor may affect how many potentially painful tests
your baby has to have. Because women who have epidurals are
more likely to get fevers--a sign their babies may have
infections--their doctors are apt to draw blood and even do a
lumbar puncture to assess the newborns' health. The researchers
from Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston studied the hospital
records of 1,657 new mothers and found that in the epidural group,
14 percent contracted fevers that led to testing, compared to only 1
percent in the non-epidural group. However, the researchers caution
that women who get epidurals are more likely to have had long
labors (more than 12 hours) and been in pain already--both factors
that can also produce a fever.
American Baby, p. 6, 8/97<


So, all of these women that develop fevers will get antibiotics. Their
babies will recieve antibiotics as well. I know that most of the
hospitals around here have very high epidural rates ( upper 90 % ). I am
a midwife in a homebirth practice. I went over the births that I have
attended in the last year and a half. The only cases of thrush/breast
yeast I have seen were in clients who we transported to the hospital and
who subsequently received antibiotics. Although knowing that a woman had
an IV doesn't mean that she received antibiotics, there is a strong
chance. If they have an epidural, they have increased their risks of
fever and having a c-section - both of which lead to antibiotic use.
