As we know many substances which are miss-used or over-used can cause
potential problems but I agree totally with the others on the judicial use of
gentian violet for thrush.  I have had clients who have gone full circle with
nystatin, diflucan etc. for weeks and months who then as a last resort turned
to applying g.v. once a day for three days resulting in full resolution.  All
of these mothers said that if they knew about it sooner they would have used
it sooner.  They were also not put off tremendously by the color or the
application.  None of these babies experienced mouth ulcers and they actually
appeared more comfortable within 24 hrs.   I believe mothers should not be
denied the information (positive and negative) regarding the use of gentian
violet (which I might add is very inexpensive and otc) to help relieve them
of this painful problem.  Let them decide what is best for their situation
instead of making that decision for them i.e. assuming that they won't like
the color or they may think it's too messy.

Maria Parlapiano RN, IBCLC
The Lactation Resource Center, inc. Chatham, NJ