I am pleased to announce the birth of my daughter, Kiana Alexis Barr.  Born
8-6-97, 8 pounds and healthy.  Breastfeeding well (even as I type this!),
although not without a few hurdles.  For those of you who remember my post
about my fears of a hospital birth, I am happy to say that we did it all
natural at a hospital with a 80-90% epidural rate (thanks to the Bradley
book, BTW).

Since I am unusual in that I have been working in the breastfeeding field
*before* I had children, this experience has brought up lots of questions and
issues for me, but I'll post more on those later.  Now I'm happy to be back
on line - from home until Feb.

Debi VanderMey Barr, MS, RD, LD
Portland, Oregon
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